Killeentierna Glebe – A Nineteenth Century Lawsuit

Rev Thomas Herbert against William Meredith Esq Kerry Assizes 19 & 20 July 1836. This was an action for trespass, quare clausum fregit.  The defendant pleaded the general issue as to part of the trespass and liberum tenementum.   The circumstances of the case are as follows:   Upwards of 80 years ago [ie c1756]…Continue Reading

County Kerry’s Contribution to Lexicography

As a school principal and a local history researcher, Michael O’Donohoe made good use of the dictionary.  Indeed, the collection includes a copy of his own 1977 edition of Foclóir, on the cover page of which is proudly written, Micheál S O Donnchadha.1   Michael’s research papers reveal that he made frequent reference to Rev…Continue Reading

The Lost Castles of the McElligotts

In earlier times, the McElligotts held an impressive number of castles in the parish which takes their family name:   Bally Mac Elligot distant to the east from Tralee about three miles, has in it the ruins of some considerable castles but it is chiefly remarkable for its name, which it takes from the Mac…Continue Reading

The Battle of Lixnaw

In the ‘Castle of the Island’ in the year 1422, an indenture was drawn up between James, Earl of Desmond, and Fitzmaurice, Lord of Kerry and Lixnaw.  The document, witnessed and sealed by the Bishop of Ardfert, reveals how two powerful families engaged in a treaty for peace.   Indenture of Agreement between the Earl…Continue Reading

Mary Agnes Hickson and the Earls of Desmond

Nineteenth century Kerrywoman, Mary Agnes Hickson (1825-1899), is perhaps best known for her Selections from Old Kerry Records which she compiled from historical manuscripts inherited from her father.1   The volumes served to establish her reputation as a genealogist and historian.  This was underlined in the first volume of her subsequent work, Ireland in the…Continue Reading

Maps of Kerry through the Ages

You do not have to be a cartographer to enjoy the fascinating compilation of maps of Kerry, dating from the 1500s to the present, held in the Castleisland Collection.1         It contains almost one hundred maps which illustrate not alone the geography of Kerry but the peculiarities of spelling and the artistry…Continue Reading

Castleisland Church and People by Fr Kieran O’Shea

Michael O’Donohoe made a study of Castleisland Church and People, a book (now rare) written by Fr Kieran O’Shea in 1981 (reprinted 1982).  Michael’s study resulted in a handwritten index to the work, transcribed below, of great use to those conducting research into the town of Castleisland and vicinity.     The book also contains…Continue Reading

Herbert family and the Seigniory of Castleisland

An inscription on an early eighteenth century map of the Seigniory of Castleisland records its association with the Herbert family:1   A MAP of the SEIGNORY of CASTLE ISLAND, MANOR OF MOUNT EAGLE LOYAL, in the County of KERRY IRELAND The Estate of the Honourable Henry Art. Herbert Esqr of Oakley Park IN ENGLAND Survey’d…Continue Reading

Development of Roads in the Castleisland district

Eighteenth and nineteenth century maps in the collection help to illustrate the development of the roads and town of Castleisland and district during the period 1729 to 1822.1     The maps were drawn by Hogan in 17292, George Taylor and Andrew Skinner in 17773 Alexander Nimmo in 18124 and by ‘unknown’ in 1822.5  …Continue Reading

Landlordism in Castleisland

‘Forfeitures of Kerry lands have been taking place since 1200’, observed Jeremiah King in his History of Kerry, describing the occurrences as ‘systems of robbery’.1     Within the ‘systems of robbery’, King identified the period of landlordism as 1710 to 1921.   Michael O’Donohoe took a particular interest in this period.  The collection contains…Continue Reading